blog lili

bogos binted?

👽 [Permalink]   2024-06-15 11:27:55 UTC


sporadically [Permalink]   2024-06-14 07:17:32 UTC

aur in manjaro

why??? bro is not arch linux [Permalink]   2024-06-05 07:07:39 UTC

jvm running in minetest/luajit

awful idea, surprised it works at all tbh (thanks lukyt!) [Permalink]   2024-05-26 22:38:42 UTC

did you know?

there is a blog in your mailbox [Permalink]   2024-05-25 08:26:15 UTC

no post?

yeah i was sleeping [Permalink]   2024-05-23 19:16:54 UTC

thinking about

linux 🥺 [Permalink]   2024-05-22 13:34:39 UTC

thinking about

women 🥺 [Permalink]   2024-05-22 12:02:12 UTC

breaking news

james, ceo of pharmaceuticals, believed to have ties with "big peach" [Permalink]   2024-05-22 08:33:51 UTC

til nothing up my sleeve number

omw to use the decss key as a hash constant [Permalink]   2024-05-22 07:54:06 UTC

oh my gah

少女は鳥になって [Permalink]   2024-05-21 20:55:29 UTC


look bad? yeah. care i? no [Permalink]   2024-05-21 19:32:53 UTC


more content here soon i promise [Permalink]   2024-05-21 18:37:48 UTC